Hello mommies! Sorry I have been busy trying to balance spending quality time with my baby, the pastry shop @joaniescupcakes and our newly launched online store, Petit Bébé PH. Check out our IG and FB pages if you have time, @petitbebeph. 😍 Anyway, a lot as been asking about the hospital lists that I made for my delivery so here they are! As some of you might know, I am quite OC about paperwork and I have no pain tolerance so I really wanted to make sure that my doctors did not miss anything about my medical history. I was also confined 3x during my pregnancy. This is why I wanted to make sure that my list is detailed so we could avoid mistakes. Information Sheet This is the information sheet that I made. I consulted my OB prior to my delivery about the things that will be asked during check in/ labor. The text is RED are things you need to fill out on the way to the hospital as you might not have enough time to print them when you start contracting. Birth Plan ...
From being single, working abroad, opening a new pastry shop, getting married, trying to get pregnant, actually getting pregnant and to finally becoming a mom. This blog is all about the day to day adventures of our small crazy family!