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Lugawan Republic and Sir Boy's BBQ

Hello foodies!

It's been a long time since my last entry. I've been quite busy with the new work and projects so I have not been able to update my blog. Anyway, last January, I had a sudden midnight craving for "lugaw" or rice porridge. My friend, Nina, raved about a restaurant in Timog which specializes in this kind of food; so I dragged my brother, Jantzen, for a spur-of-the-moment midnight foodtrip!

Lugawan Republic

The ambiance of the place is very simple and very "masa". It's quite clean and the menus are straight forward. They're usually open until around 4:00AM.

My staple drink, Coke Light.

Jantzen ordered Fresh Lumpia, which is just like Singapore's Popiah. Fresh vegetables mixed with peanut sauce and wrapped in Spring Rolls Shells. I'm not really a big fan of this but I guess, it was okay.

Jantzen, posing with his order.

Pilugaw. This was a definite winner! It's like a mixture of "Palabok" and "Lugaw". Great with calamansi and a dash of pepper!

Hakaw. Jantzen ordered this as well. It didn't taste that good; but this restaurant does not really specialize in dimsum so it's expected.

After Lugawan Republic, we still had a craving for some BBQ, so we crossed the street to Boy Abunda's new restaurant. It's located on the 2nd floor. The stalls on the ground level serves grilled seafood.

Sir Boy's BBQ Menu. The food is quite cheap! They have packed meals for people under budget.

Cracklings, FREE. This will probably be good with a nice cold bottle of beer, if I DID drink beer. Hehe.

Jantzen posing!

Me. See the eyebags? It was around 1-2:00AM already.

Branding on the styro.

BBQ with Banana Heart and Rice. The BBQ was okay, but my mommy's BBQ can still beat this BBQ's behind anytime. :)

Lugawan Republic: A great place to go to when you have those sudden cravings at night.
Sir Boy's BBQ: A good place to hang out and drink, although I am not so sure about the security of the place.


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