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New Things

Things have been getting hectic in the office. I'm now in the process of getting speakers for my conference and it's quite hard considering that they are not getting paid and would have to fly into the conference. The boss is getting more demanding as time goes, which according to my officemates, is just going to get worst. Haha. Hopefully, I'll be able to handle the pressure.

I've been wanting to post entries last week but I just wanted to climb to bed whenever I get home. Hehe.

This was what Ayn and I ate last Sunday at Giant. We did the week's grocery shopping there and finished around 9PM. We were starving, so we decided to just have dinner there. After I did my rounds at the food court, I finally settled on this Char Siew Wonton Noodles, which costs around S$3.50. It was very good! Maybe it was because I was so hungry. Hehe. It came with a free bowl of soup, which was good for the empty stomach. The noodles were firm with a bite, the char siew was good but a bit small, and the wontons were also too small. Overall, it was filling! Not bad, for the price.

There's also a 24/7 hawkers place near the house which Ayn and I go to when we're too tired to cook. That's their breakfast. It costs like S$2.50 with drinks. I don't usually order the Iced Lemon Tea but Ayn said they make their own and it's good. For me, it was TOO sweet! I had to divide it into two mugs because I couldn't swallow it. Too much sugar! I liked the breakfast though. This was the very first thing I ate in Singapore on my 'real' move. Though the hotdogs here are nothing compared to Tender Juicy hotdogs back home, it's bearable. The kaya toasts were crunchy and good!

This was taken on our way to Boat Quay last Sunday for lunch. I was a little shy to take more pictures because I didn't want to seem to 'tourist-y'. The view was quite nice though and there were benches there where you could sit and eat lunch.

I also had my first taste of Indonesian cuisine. The Beef Rendang was very tender but could have used more sauce. The curried veggies were delicious but were too spicy! The serving was very frugal and prices depend on what viands you choose. Mine costs S$4.80-5.00.

Friday night was spent at ION Orchard. After work, I went to Plaza Singapura at Dhoby Ghaut to buy a couple of things for the house. Ayn and I decided to meet at ION afterwards for some dinner. Since the Food Opera at the basement was full, we went to Tea Loft instead. It's a quaint coffee shop that has a modern country decor. It was so beautiful! Ayn ordered the Sausage Prawn Mee Noodles for S$6.50 and I had the Chicken Curry with Rice for S$6.50 also. According to Ayn, the noodles were so-so. The curry on the other hand, was worth the money. It had like 4 pcs. of chicken wings, potatoes and beancurd. I was so full!

A new bookstore has also opened at ION. It's called Prologue! I know I promised to buy books at Borders, but the prices of selected books here are like, S$10 cheaper. For example, the book "The Shadow of the Wind" by Zafon costs S$28-30 in Borders, while it is only S$19.80 in Prologue. Definitely cheaper!

Kuya Mon, Ayn's brother, has been trying to make pizza dough this week. We caught him making some when we got home at 11PM! He looked quite funny with the apron and all. The pizza was good!

That's a bruise I have on my leg. I stupidly walked right into a concrete planter at the MRT station because I wasn't looking at where I was going. And because I was in such a hurry not to be late, I was walking fast. To save face, I just said "ouch" and walked as if nothing happened, though I was kind of limping already. It hurts until now. Haha. As per mom's advise, I boiled an egg and rolled it on the affected part. It didn't heal that much but at least the blood has been released. There was only a big bump and a little discoloration on the first few days. Hopefully, it clears out soon so I could wear shorts again.

We watched "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" on DVD last night. That's Ayn eating her Friday's chips with guacamole. She looked like a kid trying not to get caught eating! Haha.

BEST BREAKFAST EVER - McGriddles Meal! Mv, a friend of mine, may seem to differ but this is really delicious. It's like a Sausage Egg McMuffin but instead of muffins, they used pancakes with syrup. It's S$6.00 for the sandwich, hash brown and drink. In this case, I ordered a Coke Light.

So there's my update for the week. I hope I'd be able to update this blog more frequently this coming week.

Oh, by the way, my mom and younger sister, Cam, will be arriving tomorrow afternoon! They'll be staying here until Sunday. I'm so excited!! Will post pictures!


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