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Showing posts from January, 2010

My 5-Year Plan

I am the kind of person who likes system and order in her world. I like to do checklists and timelines to keep track of how I’m doing and where I’m heading. I don’t like uncertainties and walking in the dark. When I was younger, I have lain out my plans on my career and personal life already. However, somehow along the way, when one big aspect changed, everything seemed to change along with it. I realize that I don’t even have a 5-year plan in my life. I thought I needed to go to Singapore to find myself and explore new opportunities, but certain unexpected emotions as well as realizations are now emerging. First of all, let me go off by saying that I have no regrets in coming here. I have gained so much independence and wisdom in dealing with all kinds of people and things. I’ve learned to be patient and to be more understanding. I learned how to fight my laziness and just go and finish what I have to do, especially with housework. I’ve also met a lot of interesting people and made a

Monday Blahs

I HATE MONDAYS. Two days for weekends are really now enough. My brain is still tired! Okay, so sleeping late last Friday and Saturday didn’t help; but still, I hope they make Mondays a part of the weekend. Hehe. I can’t believe it’s the last week of January. Birthdays are coming up, so it mean it’s.. SHOPPING TIME!! Good thing it IS the end of the month and pay checks are on the way. I’ve been wanting to go to Bugis Street for quite some time now to buy new clothes but I’ve been stopping myself because I promised my bank account I’d save some money for Cam’s debut. I’ll probably just wait for atsi to arrive and then we’ll just go together. Birthday greetings to – Justin: January 27 Atsi: January 29 Jantzen: February 7 Tita Juliet: February 12 Ninang Betty: February 14 4-tsim: February 15 Mother: February 16 Valerie: February 17 Ate Kleng: February 26 Speaking of atsi, we’re thinking of watching a play here when she arrives. Alliance Francaise Theatr

Pigging Out at Subway

There was a 2 for 1 sandwich at Subway's yesterday. For some reason, I felt ripped off because everything totaled to S$8.00 because you can only avail of the free sandwich if you buy a drink, WITHOUT the cookies. I still prefer the 2 for 1 sandwich sale at the Golden Shoe branch opening. I only paid S$6.50 for 2 sandwiches, 2 cookies and a drink! Hmph. Anyway, I ordered the Trio Sandwich. As usual, it was good! I tried finishing the 1 foot sub but I was only able to finish 75%. Hehe. This is what it looked like! I don't know why, but they insisted on cutting the sandwich into two. Weirdos. Also sharing some things I ate and saw this week: I ate this in Happy V located at Lucky Plaza! 2 pcs. chicken with rice. I ordered the extra gravy for S$0.50. The chicken tasted like Jollibee but I was disappointed because the chicken weren't that hot. Gravy was good too! This boxing ring was right outside my gym building and usually gets packed during lunch time because they hold 'f

Omelette au Fromage avec Oignons

I wanted to use up our white onions because our last batch of potato and ginger got spoiled and I don't want that to happen again. So anyway, we still have bread leftover last week and a pack of sliced cheese from last December that we really really have to finish! Haha. I decided to create Cheese Omelette with Onions! I usually don't like sharing recipes but this is too good to keep for myself! Omelet du Fromage with Onions Ingredients: 4 eggs 4 slices of cheese 1 medium chopped onions 1 pinch of salt 1 pinch of pepper 1 dash of oregano 1 pat of butter Procedures: 1. Melt butter on the pan then add the onions. Let it sweat until translucent. 2. Divide the onions into 2. Leave half in the pan. 3. Put the eggs in. Make sure the corners aren't sticking. 4. Add the salt, pepper and oregano. 5. Put 2 slices of cheese on one corner then fold the egg into 4. Let it cook until the cheese melts. 6. Repeat it again with the second one. Enjoy!!

Can't Wait for the Weekend!

That's my 'inaanak' (godson), Nathan. He's so cute! Time flies fast even when you're not having fun! It's Friday once again and I am really looking forward to the weekend because I want to rest my brain and sleep. My eye is still twitching like crazy! I think I have to catch up with some shut eye if I want it to stop; so I guess half of Saturday or Sunday will be dedicated to nappy times. Haha. There's a 2-for-1 at Subway in Republic Plaza today. I went there after the gym but the line was crazy! Good thing I brought lunch to work today or I'll have to fall in line. I'll probably go back later for snacks.. but for now, my European sausages with brown/white rice will do. Cla will be arriving here on 1 February, instead of 30 January. She has a stage 2 exam with P&G which we are all hoping she'll pass. I'm trying to find a weekend trip that we can go to on the weekend of 6-7 February. Penang looks interesting but I'm not sure if it'


Starworld premiered the pilot episode of Glee last night. I got home around 9:20PM so I wasn't able to start the show. I really like the concept of this series. It's funny and I'm sure touches a lot of teenage insecurities. I went online to see if I could find websites where I can watch other episodes, and sure enough, I was able to find one! I’ve watched until the 3 rd before I decided to sleep because it was nearing 1AM already and I still have to get up for work. I feel that watching the show inspires you to go after your dreams. It made me think of my high school choir where we won two championships on my junior and senior year. Fortunately, my school doesn’t label the choir as a loser club! Haha. I could still remember our plaid costumes and berets.. and our practices run up to 9:ooPM! The show also made me miss singing. I mean, it’s not that I have ever sang professionally, nor do I sing that well; but I just miss practicing and performing in front of an audience.

5 Things!

1. What were you doing ten years ago? Ten years ago, I was still in grade school.. Grade 6 to be exact! I was nervous about getting my grade average above 85% so that I won't have to attend summer classes anymore. Thankfully, I was able to get like, 85.9%! Haha. Oh, and not to fish but I won Ms. Sportsfest that year too! Those were the days. 2. What were you doing one year ago? I was working for my family a year ago. I think I was still doing the trading back then. Hmm.. what else? I also celebrated Taylor’s first whole year with me on this particular month, February. 3. What are five snacks you enjoy? My top 5 are: dark bittersweet chocolate, chocolate cake, cookies, chips and my signature pasta dish! 4. What are five songs you know the lyrics to? a. Perhaps Love by Howl and J: “Sarangangaeyo.. kudenawa kap danyon Shijagingayo… “ This is from the Korean series, Goong. I’m not really into Asian series but this was funny and romantic at the same time.. and even if the song is entire

Meanie Joanie

Just a quick entry for today because it's quite hectic in the office! Anyway, just to share. I saw another fashion faux pas on the way to the MRT today. There was a girl, who I think is around her mid-30s. She was wearing a tube leather (yes, LEATHER!) dress for work with.. are you ready? Knee-high leather stiletto boots! She wore a sheer flowy floral top that came down to her waist which was so not matched to what she's wearing.. and she's carrying a monogrammed LV. Again, I have nothing against what she was wearing INDIVIDUALLY. I was so tempted to tell her to go home and change because she can't possibly wear that to the office! Yes, yes, I am a big old meanie but some people just don't know when to quit while ahead. I did like her boots though. Busy day at the office. I'm getting a bit pressured to finish early by my boss! Aja aja!

Manic Mondays

The Chinese New Year is coming up and I am looking forward to a very long weekend ahead. I believe this holiday is a very important one is Singapore as I see a lot of hype going around in the malls and supermarkets. I think they'll even have dragon dances and fireworks too. The Chinese New Year in Manila for my family, only usually consists of going to my grandparents' house to have a little get together with the whole clan. It's kind of simple, really. Just dinner then we all hang out around the house after. I wasn't able to go to the John Little Expo Sale anymore because I figured, I'd have to start saving for Camille's debut already. Cla and I had been thinking of making the theme, "Paris". I got even more and more excited as we already have a particular hotel in mind. We could serve French food, get Eiffel Tower souvenirs, order Parisian decors and so much more. Before, Cam wanted a party-ish debut, but I think she's rethinking it again. Actual

SAM and Botak Jones

The Singapore Art Museum visit was worth the trip! I enjoyed seeing art pieces that I studied back when I was still in college. I was disappointed that Spoliarium wasn't there because the painting that I thought was 'S' was in fact the "Las virgenes Cristianas expuestas al populacho"of Felix Hidalgo. Well, okay, I was not really REALLY disappointed because Hidalgo's painting was also so beautiful! "Manila in the Ruins" by Fernando Amorsolo "Manipesto (Manifesto)" by Pablo Baens Santos They also had displays of Manansala, Ang Kiukok, Anita Magsaysay-Ho and many more. For some reason, my camera phone still flashes even though I turned the flash off already; so I had to result to taking videos of the whole thing. After the museum, we went to Chimes to look around the place because I haven't been there yet. It was very romantic! The ambiance was beautiful and there were a lot of couples having candlelit dinners. Afterwards, we went to the

Losing Weight

I need to lose weight by February 11. Don’t ask why because it’s a secret! I’ll share some details when the day comes. :) I will be going back to the gym starting Monday and hopes to get some serious swimming done before Cla arrives in SG. It’s a good thing that I am fasting this week of junk food, sweets, chocolate, pork and beef for my prayer points this year.. at least I don’t feel bloated. Anyway, the countdown begins on Monday! Will update for (failed or successful) progress.


I am currently checking the market for whole HDB flat rentals that is either near the place where I live now or near my office. The reason? Well, aside from my sister coming here to decide whether or not she wants to work in Singapore, I have a friend who wants to work here as well and is planning her move by the end of the month or after the Chinese New Year. I found one that is just at the back of our current flat but I can’t seem to contacts its owner because she’s overseas. I also found two other flats that are near my office but I am not sure if they are within my budget. I am still waiting on the replies of their agents. Anyway, I seem to have woken up on the right side of the bed today. Even with my contacts on, I didn’t feel irritated or cranky at all. Coffee has been a staple in my morning routine for the past three days already. What is it with coffee that just snaps you right into work mode? I developed an early immunization from caffeine when I was around 7 years old. My pa

On Peep Toes and Prints

Everyone has weird pet peeves and I just encountered two of mine in the MRT yesterday. Why do women with long toes insist on wearing peep toe shoes when they know that their toes will go way beyond the space provided? This just bothers me! Sounds crazy but it really doesn’t look nice and defeats the purpose of ‘feet sexy’ heels. What I can suggest is that they buy gel pads that they can put in their heels so their feet won’t slide to the front. Really girls, please. Another one I saw was a girl wearing too much print! I must admit, there were times when I am guilty of this too but the one I saw yesterday takes the cake. Imagine this – floral top, purple skirt, leopard-printed stocking and snake-printed heels. Doesn’t that just make your skin crawl? Haha. Individually, I would have liked the pieces – okay, not the shoes because they looked chunky – but I would have bought the stockings myself if I saw them in the store. It was a print explosion! I went to Orchard again last night becaus

Favourite Childhood Movies ♥

For some reason, the theme song of Ghostbusters came to my mind as I was starting this entry.. “There’s something strange in the neighbourhood… Who you gonna call? GHOSTBUSTERS!” I have always loved watching movies, even as a child; so I am sharing with you my Top 10 favourite movies (that I watched as a child). Ghostbusters I can’t remember if I watched this in the cinema or not but I really like this movie. The actors that played the characters were perfect for their roles. I love the part where the big marshmallow monster was destroyed and everyone was covered with it! Haha. 3 Men and A Baby Who could forget this movie? Aside from the funny and touching storyline, there's also the child ghost that everyone's keeps talking about! Kindergarten Cop I was able to buy a VCD copy of this in Chinatown when I bought my dad his series for Christmas. I don’t know why but I find that I like movies with this concept; like “The Game Plan” or “The Pacifier”. There’s just something really

Sister Cla is Coming to Town!

Okay, she's not really a 'sister' aka nun.. but my older sister, Cla, will be coming here on the 30th of January; which is right after her birthday! I just finished booking her tickets this morning. She'll be arriving here on a Saturday which means I can fetch her from the airport.. not that I have a car but we can ride the cab together! Haha. She still hasn't decided whether or not she wants to work here but since she still hasn't been to Singapore yet, this trip would probably help her decide. Now, I'm thinking of places where I can bring her or she can go to while I'm at work. She's travelling alone so I'm trying to think of places that she can visit while I'm at the office. I'm off work by 6PM, which gives us plenty of time to roam around Singapore at night. Anyway, sharing some Christmas photos of our pets Taylor and Yumi. I bought Santa hats and scarves for them from Daiso.. my absolute favourite store here! Everything is S$2! Aren’

A New Decade Has Arrived.. Welcome 2010!

A new decade has arrived and with it a lot of new dreams and expectations for myself. Looking back, I still cannot believe that I am in a different country, away from my family. Coming back here after spending two (2) weeks with them almost had me questioning my decision to work abroad. It didn't help that it was almost the time of the month, so my hormones are on an all-time high and I got sick last week. Everyone assumes that I am living THE life here in Singapore. Everyone asks me if I am happy here. The truth is, there is really nothing to be happy about. I mean, don't get me wrong. The major improvement on income is definitely a ++ for me; and the independence that comes with it is great.. but other than those, it's just work and home for me. Okay, plus the gym. Anyway, enough of the senti talk! My officemate Rej asked me what were my top priorities this year. I haven't really thought about it until then. And so, in the spirit of 2010, I am listing my Top 10 priori