This is the final installation of my Ikea Finds! You can read the first 2 parts by clicking here and here . Okay, so I forgot to bring my shopping bag again for the nth time and I wasn't going to pay S$0.50 for a plastic bag that we were going to eventually use for the trash. Since Ikea provides free newspapers and tape, I improvised and created my own paperbag! Hahaha. Set of 5 bibs @ S$4.50. I bought this for Nate! I know that babies drool a lot so I thought I'd buy him some more bibs. Haha. A pair of funnels @ S$1.50 (est). For making my jams! (From left to right) Silicone coated wire whisk @ S$1.50. For my teflon pans. :) Burger flipper @ S$1.50. Thanks Ayn for the head's up! Scrubber brush @ S$0.70 per pair. I would really miss you my dear old friend, Ikea! Hahaha.
From being single, working abroad, opening a new pastry shop, getting married, trying to get pregnant, actually getting pregnant and to finally becoming a mom. This blog is all about the day to day adventures of our small crazy family!